1. What do the Ovaries produce? Female gametes (OVA).
  2. What do Ovaries Secrete? Female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone. 
  3. What are the female reproductive accessory ducts? Uterine tubes, uterus, and vagina  
  4. What is the internal genitalia of the female reproductive system? Ovaries, Uterine tubes, uterus, and vagina               
  5. What is the external genitalia of the female reproductive system? External sex organs               
  6. What are Ovaries held in place by? Ovarian ligament, suspensory ligament, and mesovarium. 
  7. What is the Ovarian Ligament? Anchors ovary medially to the uterus. 
  8. What is the Suspensory Ligament? Anchors ovary laterally to the pelvic wall.   
  9. What is the Mesovarium? Suspends the ovary.              
  10. What is the Broad Ligament? Supports the uterine tubes, uterus, and vagina; also contains the suspensory ligament and mesovarium.      
  11. What is the blood supply of the ovaries? Ovarian arteries and ovarian branch of the uterine artery.
  12. What are the Ovaries surrounded by? Fibrous tunica Albuginea.            
  13. What are the two regions of the ovaries? Cortex: ovarian follicles, and Medulla: Large blood vessels and nerves.             
  14. What is a Follicle? Immature egg (oocyte) surrounded by Follicle cells, and Granulosa cells        
  15. What is the difference between follicle cells and granulosa cells? Follicles: one cell layer thick; Granulosa: when more than one layer is present          
  16. What are the stages of development of a Follicle? Primordial Follicle, Primary Follicle, Secondary Follicle, Late Secondary Follicle.             
  17. What is the Primordial Follicle? Squamous like follicle cell + oocyte.      
  18. What is the Primary Follicle? Cuboidal or columnar follicle cells + oocyte.            
  19. What is the Secondary Follicle? Two or more layers of granulosa cells + oocyte. 
  20. What is the Late Secondary Follicle? Contains fluid-filled space between granulosa cells; coalesces to form a central antrum.             
  21. What is a vesicular (graafian)follicle? Fluid-filled antrum forms; follicle bulges from ovary surface           
  22. What is ovulation? Ejection of the oocyte from the ripening follicle      
  23. What develops from ruptured follicle after ovulation? Corpus luteum 
  24. What does the female duct system consist of? Uterine tubes, Uterus, vagina, and ampulla      
  25. What creates a current to move oocyte into uterine tube? Ciliated fimbriae     
  26. What is the Isthmus? Constricted region where tube joins uterus         
  27. What is the major portion of the Uterus? Uterine Body.            
  28. What is the rounded superior region of the Uterus? Fundus of Uterus.              
  29. What is the narrow inferior region of the Uterus? Isthmus of Uterus.  
  30. What is the Cervix? Narrow neck, or outlet; projects into the vagina.   
  31. What does the Cervical Canal Communicate with? Vagina via the external OS, Uterine body via the internal OS.     
  32. What do the Cervical Glands secrete? Mucus that blocks sperm entry except during mid-cycle.              
  33. What are the three layers of the Uterine Wall? Perimetrium, Myometrium, and Endometrium.              
  34. What is the Perimetrium? Serous Layer (visceral peritoneum).               
  35. What is the Myometrium? Interlacing layers of smooth muscle.             
  36. What is the Endometrium? Mucosal Lining.      
  37. What is the vagina? Birth canal and organ copulation   
  38. Where is the vagina? Extends between the bladder and the rectum from the cervix to the exterior
  39. What is embedded in the anterior wall of the vagina? Urethra
  40. What are the wall layers of the vagina? Fibroelastic adventitia, smooth muscle muscularis, and stratified squamous mucosa with rugae
  41. What is the hymen? The incomplete partition formed by the mucosa near the vaginal orifices
  42. What is the vaginal fornix? Upper end of the vagina surrounding the cervix      
  43. What is the Mons Pubis? Fatty area overlying pubic symphysis.              
  44. What is the Labia Majora? Hair covered, fatty skin folds.            
  45. What is the Labia Minora? Skin folds lying within labia majora.
  46. What is the Vestibule? Translates as entrance hall: recess between labia minora. Contains the openings of the vagina and urethra.             
  47. What are the Greater Vestibular Glands? Homologous to the bulbourethral glands. Release mucus into the vestibule for lubrication.           
  48. What is the Clitoris? Erectile tissue hooded by a prepuce.         
  49. What is the exposed portion of the Clitoris? Glans Clitoris.